Friday, June 12, 2009

People are dying, lashes are extending?

As I was huffing and puffing away on the elliptical at the gym this morning, I had the pleasure of viewing a commercial for a novel product called Latisse. This product is the "first and only FDA approved prescription treatment for inadequate or not enough eyelashes, growing them longer, fuller, and darker."

I kid you not.

Yes, folks. While people around the world are dying of all kinds of malicious diseases - AIDS, cancer, diabetes, heart disease - there are scientists toiling away in a lab to find out how women can LENGTHEN their INADEQUATE eyelashes.

All I have to say is thank god this product is here. My life depends on my eyelashes, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Finally, I can breathe easier. Or... bat my eyes at people easier. Same thing.

This just goes to show that Americans will buy anything.


Liz S said...

I know, and I had no idea that was the best acting gig Brooke Shields could get! I much prefer her "don't birth babies for German engineering" commercials.

Unknown said...

a quote to support your theory:

"Young People will buy anything"

"These sunglasses have a chip in them that makes the lenses change colors when my iPod loses power..."

best 30 Rock episode. AAAAND quote.

drjeff said...

Can I RSS feed your blog site?

Unknown said...

i just saw this commercial too - not only can your eyelashes be longer, but you might also permanently darken the skin around your eyes or actually alter the pigment in your eyes! so worth it for longer lashes!