Before I knew it, his pants were rolled up and he was slogging around in the fountain water, picking up all kinds of change and shoving it into his battered pockets.
Was I surprised? Not really. It was a bum taking change out of a fountain. I commend him for his resourcefulness. I was, however, amused when a little girl walking through the park with her dad ran straight up the fountain and started leaning over and having a conversation with the homeless guy. Well, it was less of a conversation than the little girl asking "What are you doing in there?" and the bum answering in some incoherent rambling that included the words "rain" and "quarters". Probably also some cursing. The girl was leaning over so far to listen to her new friend that I thought she was going to fall in. I also wondered what the hell her father was thinking in not pulling her away. But he looked a little homeless himself.
Anyway... for your viewing pleasure (sorry the quality is so bad, I took it from my phone):

In other news, I have to proclaim my new-found love for NPR podcasts. Yesterday I downloaded Saturday's "Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me" to my shuffle, and it made me laugh out loud as I was walking down the streets of Center City. Now I'm off to listen to some of the songs off Dar Williams' new CD, Promised Land.
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