So despite the fact that it's been face-burningly cold for the past week here in the 19107, we've been out and about. We lost at Quizzo (AGAIN), once more proving that Will's random knowledge does not reach far enough to win us $20 at Doc Watson's. Also, it proves that they don't ask enough questions about literature/pop music (
my expertise), and apparently that Will is gay because he's utterly useless during the sports round. I mean... the only NBA team with a sword in their symbol? He was sure it was the Sacramento Kings. Good guess, but no cigar. It was the Cleveland Cavaliers, and even
I was able to guess that one. I guess being forced to watch Sports Center every morning does amount to something good.
Then Friday night I had a girls night with (you guessed it) some girl friends of mine. We did lots of random stuff, from shredding it up on guitar hero to watching How I Met Your Mother to playing Rummikub. All in all it was a good time; and made me wish I was personally friends with NPH.
Then yesterday I went to an art supply store on South Street and found some kick-ass beads which allowed me to make these kick-ass earrings.

The ones on the left are for Nancy and the ones on the right are for our neighbor who LOVES corn. So of course when we saw the beads, we knew they were very appropriate. I could definitely see myself taking up earring-making as a hobby. I think I have an eye for good bead combinations and I'm pretty awesome at curling wire. We'll see. Considering I spent $30 at the bead store, I better get my money's worth in the amount of earrings I make.
And that brings me to today, when the Eagles face off with the Arizona Cardinals to see who is going to the Superbowl, and who is left behind, crying in their own pile of bird crap. I'm a bit scared for the Eagles... although last weekend I thought they wouldn't beat the Giants and they did. So who knows... anything could happen!