A few days before she was announced as VP choice, when rumors were swirling about Tim Pawlenty and Joseph Leiberman as possible Repub running mates, my step-mom made the point that if McCain picked a female running mate, he'd be golden with the bitter Hillary supporters who couldn't let go of their so-yesterday candidate. I hadn't thought about this before, but it made a LOT of sense. Fortunately, I hadn't heard of any females who were seriously in the running so I wasn't overly worried.
But then came Palin's announcement, and I thought, "Crap. A new haven for Hillary supporters and bad news for the O-bomb." THAT was before I knew anything about her, and now that I know what she's really like, I'm MUCH more confident that Obama had a better chance.
The woman seems like a nutjob! Bygone beauty queen, never even had a passport until last year, pro-life mercenary, anti-gun control, has 5 kids with strange names like Bristol, Trig, and Track, and now it's revealed her 17-year old is PREGNANT? And the Repubs are OK WITH THAT? Even DEFENDING her? If that news came out about a democrat, they'd be all over it as a case of lost responsibility and proof that pre-marital sex has hellish consequences. But no... she's "every woman" now that she has problems just like the rest of us.
Not ME, though. I never had that problem. And I don't see anything to write home about in Sarah Palin. Except maybe that she used to look like Katherine Heigl. Anyone else agree with me here?

She's not a VP... she only plays one on TV.
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