So after Palin's speech last night where she equated herself to a "pitbull with lipstick" (and if you need help visualizing that, the following picture is for you)

I was browsing through the news to read some reactions and I came across this quote by Mitt Romey, referenced from
“And at Saddleback, after Barack Obama dodged and ducked every direct question, John McCain hit the nail on the head: Radical Islam is evil, and he will defeat it. Republicans prefer straight talk to politically correct talk.”
To me, this shows the inflexibility and single-mindedness of the repubs. They take one signifier, and equate it to a single word that is meant to instill fear and negative reaction, as in Radical Islam = evil. This is totally anti-postmodern, because postmodernism says that things have plural meanings and interpretations. I think Obama's tendency to not immediately categorize our enemies in a negative light shows his progressive attitude and intelligence. He is willing to speak with them, perhaps hear what they have to say, in the hopes that that will improve relations with them. McCain, on the other hand, wants to regard them as incorrigible and argue that the only way to deal with them is to bomb them to heck. Absolutely deplorable. Yet another reason why I'd be devastated if Obama doesn't make it to office.
Also, I think this article is worth a read. It's from the LA Times and by author Gloria Steinem, so of course it's another harkening back to my days as an English major. Though... I never read anything by her.
Ok and I just have to say that I started this blog with the intention to write about my experiences in the city and the past few entries have been largely political. I'm not going to apologize but I am going to say that it's because this is what's on my mind currently. Also, I'm bored at work. I hope once these two issues resolve themselves, I can get back to what I really want to be talking about.
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