The rest of the day unraveled as the group had hoped, with much debauchery and celebration that included, but was not limited to, imbibing Irish car bombs and downing shots of Jameson. But, kids, this story is not without a twist, and so I introduce: The Dirty Leprechaun and the Magic Pizza.
At some point in this most wonderful of Saturday nights, one of the friends announced that a shot would be consumed. "What shot?" asked the jolly bartender. "The dirty leprechaun," answered the friend, with a twinkle in his eye. "I've never heard of that," said the bartender. "Pray you, tell me what to put in it!" The friend paused, having no idea what was in the shot he had just prescribed. That's because he wasn't sure the shot existed. (sidenote: it does!) But damned if that friend was going to let the moment pass with nary an alcoholic intake.
So he made the shot up! "Bailey's, Creme de menthe... and... and..." he struggled to name another cordial. Then another friend, sensing his frustration, spoke up. "BACARDI!" she offered, happily. Though the rest of the friends gave her strange looks, the shot was concocted, imbibed, and verily enjoyed. And since it warranted such enjoyment, it was repeated again through the night.
Of course, as the night wore down, the friends grew tired and drunk... with joy. They headed home, but their stomachs cried out for nourishment. "What shall we do?" they asked, frantically. Luckily, they located a pizza place with reasonable prices and hearty fare, and there they placed their order of a large pepperoni pie.
Well, kids, let me not exaggerate from the truth here: the pizza was indeed magical. It's properties were so great as to span not just deliciousness, but also the staving off of a future hangover. Surely the next morning would have been painful had it not been for that magical pizza with its perfectly round pepperoni and crusty, doughy goodness. Surely!
Thus concludes my tale, but the St. Patrick's Day mayhem lives on in the hearts of all good friends, including YOU!

when I first read "magic pizza", I thought one of two things:
a. pizza with pot?
b. something dirty is coming.
I was right! I got mooned by a dirty leprechaun. and it wasn't Patrick!
You crazy!
I really like the classy level this post took on. Also you used It's instead of Its when talking about the magic pizza.
Also, I saw the former Prime Minister of Ireland speak and he made a TON of eye contact with me and he kept saying "Tinks" instead of "Thinks!" Tehe!
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