After the humid mess it was last week, this sudden blast of cold and flurries really makes it feel like holiday time. And lord knows I LOVE holiday time. The commercials start in with tinkly music, stores fill up with cozy sweaters, and of course 97.5 plays 24/7 Christmas music, which I admit I've been listening to for the past 2 weeks. (Mariah Carey's All I Want for Xmas? Brilliant.) I can't wait until everyone is together for Thanksgiving and Christmas in a warm, bright house, surrounded by a happy, giving atmosphere. It gives me chills just thinking about it!
NOTE: I'm Jewish. But Hanukah feels different than Christmas. It's a little more solemn, a little more educational (or maybe that's just because I have to keep explaining it to people), a little more sparse and spread out, and it involves less family. I'm proud to be a Jew, to eat latkes and celebrate 8 nights of illumination. But let's face it, Christmas generates more excitement.

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