Tuesday, November 25, 2008

People Love Cute Sh*t

It's true. This weekend I was at home along with my older brother, who is planning on getting a dog for his family. He was showing us pictures of puggles online, and, as puggles are cuter than a pudgy baby with cake all over his cheeks, you can bet there were endless squeals coming from the women in the house. Even Will couldn't help but say "aww" a few times. 

Then last night as Will and I were walking home from work (in the dark... thanks Winter) we saw a woman walking an itty bitty puggle. I thought my heart would burst. Will asserted that if we ever got a dog, I'd probably dump him because there wouldn't be enough love to go around. I had to agree. 

And today, I got into work and did my daily "delay for about an hour by reading online news publications" routine, and what should I stumble on but an article in USAToday that talks about online time-wasters, and highlights the 24-hour puppycam which I just recently discovered. 

It's affirmed, folks. People love looking at cute sh*t. Well, at least women do. Round-the-clock puppies, daily bunnies, tiny monkeys wrapped around people's fingers - there's no shortage of aww-inducing material out there to appease even the most sensitive lady's cute tooth. USAToday thinks the sorry state of the economy adds to our affinity for adorable and innocent images, but I'll posit that we'd look at this cute sh*t even if we all had salaries over 100K. Hell, we'd probably buy the cute sh*t for ourselves... not just look at it. 

I'm not prepared to understand this phenomenon. What does cute even mean, anyway? It's an abstract idea, and I'm sure different people use it to define different things. I mean some people think hairless cats are cute. But if I had to venture a guess I'd say women have this caring and motherly instinct, and when they see small or innocent looking creatures, they just want to coddle them. Or blast their ear drums with a high-decibel exclamation of pure joy. 

Of course with my luck, when I clicked on the puppycam this morning, it was "offline". The injustice. How else am I supposed to get through my day besides watching adorable fluffy balls running all over each other and occasionally sleeping? 

Instead, I had to Google image search pictures of puggles. Enjoy. 

1 comment:

drjeff said...

I only wish you blogged daily, your writing brightens my day.